America, I am told, is in the middle of her census. It is the business of government to know what its citizens need, their demographic, so it can apportion funding to all the myriad things society needs funded. The information, though, can be used to check up on citizens, uncover frauds, discover frauds and generally be a benchmark for whom to watch.
There is a wonderful way in which doctors have discovered they can help depression. They have found the regions in the brain that control mood and they insert electronic stimuli. In tests it takes a while to get just the right electronic flow and during the tests moods swing, but eventually they can help even the worst cases. When I watched this on utube my first thought was ‘they are going to use that for torture techniques in the future.’
With many others I applaud the fact women and men who find it difficult to have children have been helped by IVF and other techniques. But the very process of understanding the womb, taken with the great advances in DNA research means we can now grow a child outside the womb. And they will. And they will not be for childless couples.
It seems a strange but fordrawn conclusion that no matter what we do in this world, no matter how beneficial it seems, it has its down side. The imagination of human beings is always drawn to the bestial.