If a generation is 25 years there have been 80 generations since Jesus lived and 104 since the Buddha. I am sure someone could work out the days and I am certain some church somewhere has a sign ‘XXXX Days since Calvary How Many More To Go?’
These are not huge numbers. They are not even very big numbers. As I walk the fields the thoughts that this is March 2010 and it will not come again, is a latent thought put into me by tradition and conditioning. We mark so much by day and month. We seem incapable of just allowing ‘there is time’, and the reason is our logical way of doing things. We set ourselves a system to work within so everyone can work within the same system and meetings can be arranged.
Gone are the days when Native Americans in films (did they ever actually say this) said they would meet up in two moons. Accuracy, you see, to the nth part of a second is everything. It comes as a culture shock to know therefore, that for scientists a second is a huge amount of time. An amount of time during which all kinds of things have happened in their billions and they need to be able to refine it and mark ever shorter time spans.
For all our logic the billions of things that happen during our lifetimes are not in the months or the days. Those are wallpaper.
The things are happening in our life itself in their own time-spans. Enjoy them.