In a few months I will be publishing my first thriller, though it actually was the second thriller I ever write. My agent back in 1990 said I had to write three and I did so though in the two years he was my agent he never got me taken.
My first thriller was about a man out-of-his-depth and in mortal danger saved by his ex-girlfriend who happened to be a hired assassin. As I may be bringing it out later I suppose I should not say too much but for the fact I set it in a city not usually thought of with thrillers only to have the idea stolen by some agent or editor who read me. Not the plot, just the city; but then I suppose Mumbai has often been stolen in the past.
Montrose was different. The protagonist is a woman, sexy because that is the genre but intelligent enough not to use her sexuality in her work. She is driven and determined and tough but also flawed because she does what she does in the first place. I do not have a high opinion of spies.
The story is about a woman seeking revenge for her lover’s murder and in so doing foiling a terrorist plot that was ten years in the planning. As far as I know the plot-line, though not liked my one American agent, is entirely plausible and possible. I am also amused that the interrogation chapter is now all the news . . . I am usually on the mark.