We go for early mornings walks. With my mother being so ill it is usually one of the few times of the day she is peaceful enough for me to leave the house, and as spring approaches the morning walks become brighter, milder and the air slowly changes with the change in the light. This is the time of year the farmers bring in the sheep to lamb on the very early grass and swap them every two days from field to field. And not all fields are secure.
So our walks the past week have been joined by four lambs due to be slaughtered for Easter who don’t quite understand what a road is. The sight of them running from me actually hurts as I won’t be eating them and I am not a threat but they are wary of my dogs.
Which is all the more amusing as this morning the four were three and we were walking with them ahead of us when the fourth, suddenly realising he or she was alone, ran past me to join the others. only between me and them was my rough collie of one year and one month and she was being chased by a single sheep. It was amusing to see her running behind three sheep and not being able to return to me because she was running away from one sheep.
We used to call people like my dog cowardy-custard.