Most children learn to lie around the age of four. More intelligent children learn about lying around the age of three. These first lies are usually very obvious to parents, and are mostly altruistic. As the child ages the lies develop and so does the face, with that typical ‘face’ that parents know so well that children put on to further establish their lie as the truth.
There are many adults who wish they could keep that face! However it should be noted that beautiful people are often more readily believed than the rest of us because human beings can be mesmerized by beauty.
Lies develop into more complex systems as children gain knowledge of their surroundings, learn what their parents and other people expect, and learn how to manipulate the real world. We all learn these things; we all have reason to use lies; we all use them as adults.
A Brief History Of Lies:
Paperback black and white, 100 pages with 8 cartoons. $8.00
ISBN 1449963277
EAN-13 9781449963279
Published 14th February 2010.