There is something about ink that beats ballpoint pens every time; the smell is different, the pens are a lot different and far more beautiful, and the whole filling procedure and seeing the ink flow into the page and how different papers soak up the ink differently are things that perhaps only a professional calligrapher may truly appreciate.
But my writing is actually different too. My writing become illegible if I use ballpoint pens. Mainly because I have yet to find one that does medium to thick ballpoints. The style is there but the shapes of the letters slides around in a way that simply doesn’t happen with ink. I always feel comfortable writing with my fountain pen.
That said my writing is much prettier when i use the first of all writing implements…a lead pencil. But that is because with a pencil I can remember being five and getting capitals and small letters mixed up. Ink was the pen of choice when i was 11 and upwards.
So memories are deeply involved in what we use to write just as they are deeply involved with what we write.