Evolution is all about competing interests and (I say in an aside) the evolution of religions is proof positive evolution is a strong theory because our ideas evolve just as our bodies have done.
Social networking is all about competing for people’s time, in fact the whole Internet sales regime is trying to attract one’s interest and therefore money. A far cry from the better ideals around the birth of the Internet which were to provide free and fluid information. But I suppose with a creature that dies, time is all important.
That is why it strikes me as strange that evolution doesn’t extend the life cycle of its animals to a greater extent. As if on the one hand it doesn’t matter or on the other it isn’t possible even for the immense power house that is Nature. Perhaps in the competition for energy we have all we can have or maybe on this planet, in this sphere of the Cosmos, competition for energy precludes anymore being assigned to an innate longevity.
Yes we extend our lives by providing comforts but the potential span of a lifetime has been pretty stable for millennia. So too with other animals. Life seems to be an ignorance of where we came from, an ignorance of where we are going, and a certain time in between to try to figure out why.