Gabriela Sepulveda lives in America and answered my request for artists to illustrate my work. She liked Blueskin the Cat, which is actually also my mother’s favourite story, about a highwayman in the 18th Century who is reincarnated as a cat and his subsequent adventures which finally take him to America.
I received on Facebook this morning her water-colours so far and feel very fortunate that such a talented artist is part of what may be if we are successful, a series of some nine books (cats having nine lives).
Some of her work is here though she tells me she is creating her own dedicated website.
What I enjoy most about working with artists is seeing their interpretation. When one works and knows one needs illustrations and art work one does have a certain idea or two, but in working with others I give free rein and ask them just to do what they are inspired to do – hence asking them to choose the work they most enjoy. These water colours add an adult depth to the book, their myriad shadows and capturing of expression are perfect for the story. They will introduce children not just to colour and design, but to art as well.
When she finishes Blueskin the Cat will be ready to typeset and I hope 2011 will see it published. I hope the world is ready for the laughter and the pathos.