We have a burning need to know, which has produced in large measure our minds – given the interplay between our ability to make connections in our brains and the number of connections that have to be made in order to understand even basic things like how to walk properly in a dense crowd of people.
And of course we have developed that most significant and brilliant of tools for understanding, namely mathematics.
However there are some places the understanding will come against that even to science are mysteries. That even when we know how a flower grows, how colour and photosynthesis work, how to graft one tree onto another, how to cross-pollinate, how to cure diseases and how the botany all connects, we still have no description of the beauty of the flower.
Aesthetics we are told, has something to do with pattern making and something to do with balance, and something to do with natural empathies in the way the light shines and our eyes work, but we do not know. And we do not know for a very good reason.
Most knowledge we garner from the Universe and Earth is based on finding concepts that work in such a way everyone can understand them. That 2+2 equals 4 is the same for everyone. But beauty is not the same for everyone. Individuality makes the mystery and everyone one has their own explanation.
Billions of explanations for the same thing. Isn’t that fun?