I think I saw my first real, live clown outside a circus in Bristol when I was a child. He gave me an Indian Feather hat which I still have replete with broken red feather and an elastic band at the back to keep it in place. I have never been one to be scared of clowns, and I love their traditions and make-up.
Which is probably why when I was working in a library and they were saying they trouble thinking of things to do to engage children in the library service and turn up for afternoon story-time, that I volunteered to dress up as a clown. And that is why I used my stage make-up skills and borrowed a red wig and got the most jazzy clothes I could. I looked at books because I cannot juggle, for things that were clownish to learn and ended up choosing a little mime joke, then I read stories.
It is really difficult keeping the attention of around fifteen to twenty five year olds for over an hour. But the library service enjoyed it so much I had to go and do it four more times! I still recall this little child coming up to me after one session with a drawing of a clown she had done for me and asking, “What do you eat?”
A very important question for Clown Rollo!