Of course the world needs saving. It has needed saving since forever. Long before whalers would slaughter gentle animals like the giant turtle and sea lion without cease. Before Cicero was appalled at the slaughter of fifty elephants in one games in the Roman Arena, or Seneca had to pretend not to prefer being a vegetarian in front of the Emperor. Long before people ignorantly planted themselves on different areas of land and then put up walls and called everyone else ‘stranger’.
It is just, what does the world need saving from? Nature is cruel because she is pretty callous but then no one thinks nature has a brain. No one thinks nature sits back and designs the sudden jump a dung beetle makes from being a dung/plant based feeder to becoming predatory. Genetics has produced rationality but it doesn’t possess rationality in and of itself.
And we are wholly nature trying to save ourselves from her grasp and soften her corners. Trying to make our world safer for us whilst doing her cruel work with a vigour even nature doesn’t match. The species that survive human kind are truly spectacular survivors. Because that is what they will be, either by luck in living in places humans don’t want to live, or adapting to be a nuisance we cannot eradicate, or by being food we farm.
We have nature’s cruelty in us, we are her greatest weapon against life.