In March 2002 on the lane outside my then home, I found a dog wandering. At first I was just going to call the charity but I could see she was cold and scared. So chocolate biscuit in hand and with my collie by my side we stood close to her and spoke softly. She walked up and ate the biscuit and sniffed my collie and followed us home. So began 14 years of closeness with a small cross breed with the most perfect temperament who never left my side and followed everything my collie did so I never had to train her with cars or farm animals.
The world is made to fail, to die and end and everything in it had its time. But the end is so unbearably sad. So devastating. Without emotion I am guessing th world of life would be merciless even more than it is, but with them it is filled with pain which is always the end of all joys.
#mojo #rosie #claude #sally-bundle #Queenie # bamber #bella