I listen to the men and women around the world hitting out against welfare state and free health care, espousing the glories of fighting for the dollar in your pocket and never giving a damn about the poor and oppressed, and how this money world is tying every country to its boots and I think: where are the artists?
Where are the voices that speak as Carl Sagan spoke. If the people had listened to the philosophers in Greece and not the merchants, today we would be arriving at the nearest distant inhabitable plants and seeing who is there. Everyone is taught that money liberates not restricts, but that is only because they have been brainwashed to look down and not straight ahead. They have no vision of a more educated, empathetic world because there is no profit in such a world. And instead of envisioning a world without profit as a motive for anything, they retreat to what they have been taught: dog-eat-dog.
And where are the artists?