One language, one set of laws for all, no passports. Is this a better way to run human civilisation?
If you think these are things that make up human civilisation I would assume so. If you think that difference automatically leads to conflict I would assume so. Except in this better world view everything is about modes and things humans have created (languages, laws,countries) for which there was never a necessity that they be as they are, so what are we really dealing with? What would be at the root of any civilisation?
Human nature.
The united Kingdom and America speak the same language. But the reasons for the closeness of the friendship between the countries is purely political. It serves a purpose. Once they were at war with each other. Putting people under the same laws will never take away the need to change laws or the inherent unfairness of writing laws for everyone, when there are such differences between people. And in the days when we had no passports we had no end of Empires.
Harmonising bankrupt and irrational systems does not change any of fundamentals of human behaviour. People look with distrust on people from another village . . . same language, laws and colour. The systems we live under are ‘us’, not separate from who we are. If they don’t work it is because we don’t.
Star Trekkian futures belong only on the television.