For many years until I was in my early twenties whenever there was a high wind or a storm I was unnerved by the fear that hills and the ground would start to moves and I would be thrown over. I used to get indoors and shut the doors to quell the fear.
It was in my mid-twenties when talking to my mother that I learned that on our voyage to India on a liner when I was barely a year old the ship hit a force ten storm while at sea. I realised that in my baby mind the sounds and the sensations of being at sea in a storm had fixed themselves together and transferred to my adult mind this unreasoned fear. Knowledge is power and retraining the mind takes a while but can be done.
But I learned how the mechanisms of survival are hardwired into our brains from day one, and it gave me a valuable insight into why people are terrified of change and fight against any kind of change so vigorously.