The world is on the brink of a new European war with Russia as the main enemy funded and supplied by China and India who are deeply nationalistic in this generation. There is a war in the Middle East, continued fighting in Sudan worries in the Congo and we are about the see if the US will elect the fascist Trump whose idea of diplomacy is to let everyone have-at-it because that doesn’t cost the US any money.
The right wing politics of the thirties hovers above Hungary and Poland, and China is flexing its might in Asia. And what are the British people invested in? The surgery of the wife of the heir to the throne.
I wish her well, I hope she gets better but really, why do the British invest so much in this absurd fairytale. She is no more important that the million other women having surgery and struggling to get better. These people are figureheads, no more, and they have allowed the politicians of this country to make racism a central tenet of political decision making. There won’t be a happy-ever-after in this story.