It is too late.
Back in 1982 I read a book called the Green Inheritance by Professor Huxley and then I knew the race to make money was antithetical to the needs of nature. That was 40 years ago. Then I read about the native American (I do not know to which nation he belonged) who was travelling in full regalia in Europe in the 1920s telling everyone what they were doing was antithetical to nature. That was 98 years ago. And in the 1800s William Blake, Percy Shelley and many of the nascent socialist thinkers were telling us what we were g=doing was practically inhuman. That was 200 and more years ago.
We still scream for economic growth at the expense of nature. This ignorance has all the hall marls of a disease because we are acting against our own self-interest just to make money to pay each other to act against our own self interest.