There is something in the voice. The link with memory and shared experience. The moments of laughter, sadness, the inbuilt strength of knowing how someone else thinks, how they act, recognizing their walk from the far end of the street. In the mass of strangers all of whom are friends to someone, this person is known to you. You speak a similar language. You care about what happens to them, you pass comment on their relationships, you send them news that will help them and just news for the sake of it. You learn their fears and foibles. These are the people you hold close to your life.
But once you were strangers. Once you didn’t know their name. Didn’t know their family. Didn’t know what they do for a living. Once they were just part of the crowd and you could have told them from anyone else. Anyone you meet might become a friend.
Friends are a journey.
very true 🙂