There was a famous film based on a book, called Bhowani Junction which dealt with the racism of Anglo-Indians towards Indians. A racism based upon skin colour and inspired by the racism of white people for dark skinned people. A racism that still has its logic rooted in the fact that white people had the industrial revolution and swept the world with their machines taking over land and decimating less mechanically minded peoples who were predominantly non-white.
This whole inverted racism experienced by non-whites for other non-whites, a racism of gradations of colour, is one of the strange inheritances we have from the days of white empire making. It is actually seen in marketing very strongly for most black actors in Hollywood have some white ancestors and the deep-black African actor is rarely seen even on TV.
But for non-white people to be antagonistic towards each other is an absurdity because it both empowers the racist and cheapens the fight against racism at the same time. It gives credence to every hack eugenics philosophy from the Greeks to the Nazis. It deserts the unfolding struggle to view the whole human race as one race, and denies that every human endeavour is the inheritance of everyone of us, not the preserve of one country or another.
Terence, writing two thousand years ago, said it for all time:
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto; “I am a person, I consider nothing that is human alien to me.”