I called a farmer here a few years ago when I found on my walks a dead cow in his field. I thought in my innocence he would drive out and want to know what killed it. I later saw he had dug out a large hole and buried it where it lay. When I was in my twenties I heard a cow bellowing in the night and thought then the farmer would hear it I could not get involved. The cow was dead in the morning so was its calf – caught in the birth canal. I have also been told about the horses that do not make the racing stock due to injury and are shot on their stud farms, out of sight. Many more than become racing horses people bet on.
I do not think people really understand how many lives, animal and human, are lost to provide us with the lives we lead. Nor how callous we are when putting those lives against the financial costs of saving them. Farmers cover up wherever they can, bad publicity is withered on the vine. Bhopal, India is a disgusting instance of corporations not caring about thousands of people. There is no real wish to hunt out causes and cure diseases there is only the wish to get as many as possible to the money making market place within the acceptable losses.
Its all about percentages not life.