I could say this is all new to me but words are my life and no place where words flow could ever be alien to me. It is more strange to be setting up a weblog that is principally about my work. Advertising has never been my forte but here it is, and here I am, 2010 and starting to publish my work. Telling the world I am here when the world rarely pays attention. It is also strange to be starting this one month before my fiftieth birthday but actually that fits perfectly with the upside down nature of my life. When others are reaching thoughts of retiring I am commencing the great journey we all call ‘a career’, and when the annals are written of my time on Earth they may well say as I do, that I spent my early years in retirement and my later years working. It’s good to be different but strange to be standing on one’s head.
We all should do as we feel is right and best for ourselves. I’m quite proud of you, my dear friend. Besides … you look quite nice standing on your head 😉
How lovely that you did tho *s*
I like this. Daniel your friends are your friends because of who you are not what you have done in your career this is something to be proud of.
I think some of us had to wait until spellcheck was invented too *grin*
Willingly I accept. The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.
Please do and thank you for posting